One Hand, One Heart


1957 Broadway lyrics

Make of our hands one hand,
Make of our hearts one heart,
Make of our vows one last vow:
Only death will part us now.

Make of our lives one life,
Day after day, one life.

Now it begins, now we start:
One hand, one heart.
Even death won't part us now.

Make of our lives one life,
Day after day, one life.
Now it begins, now we start:
One hand, one heart.
Even death won't part us now.

1961 film lyrics

Make of our hands one hand,
Make of our hearts one heart,
Make of our vows one last vow:
Only death will part us now.

Make of our lives one life,
Day after day, one life.

Now it begins, now we start:
One hand, one heart.
Even death won't part us now.

Make of our lives one life,
Day after day, one life.
Now it begins, now we start:
One hand, one heart.
Even death won't part us now.

Music by Leonard Bernstein, lyrics by Stephen Sondheim.
© 1956, 1957 Amberson Holdings LLC and Stephen Sondheim. Copyright renewed.
Leonard Bernstein Music Publishing Company LLC, Publisher.